Johannes Eckstorff

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Senior Expert Satellite based Services

Johannes Eckstorff holds DIPL.ING. Degree in Communications awarded from the University of applied Science, Koblenz

Further he passed the audit for the higher technical management in MoPTT/Deutsche Bundespost (later DT AG) after post graduate training in all fields of telecommunication engineering and management.

Working seven years as officer in the governmental frequency monitoring office Mr. Eckstorff became an expert in frequency monitoring techniques used in this field.

After two years working as deputy head of section for satellite communication, he became for year’s head of the national Satellite Communications Control Center (NCC) respectively head of group National Satellite Coordination.

Based on his wide experience and presence in international organizations, Mr. Eckstorff than worked for ten years in the rank of executive officer with the center for telecommunication, research and technology. His field of responsibility: Operations management in the sections operation of earth stations and international network utilization.

Then followed assignment as

- assistant director international fiber systems,

- senior sales consultant for the development of customer tailored satellite business network solutions and

- technical product manager for satellite based communication systems for the German armed forces

Finally Mr. Eckstorff has been assigned as project manager and member of the technical working group for the Galileo project division: Development of solutions for the ground infrastructure.

Mr. Eckstorrf is working now as free consultant for different project, among others a TETRA over VSAT project in the region.

Because of his international experience he has been joined as representative different international events and projects beside of his permanent assignments:

- long term delegate to Eutelsat meetings, Paris

- training of local staff in implementation of satellite based digital business services, Beijing, China and Bombay, India

- Investigation of post-war status of the communication network Mostar, Bosnia

- Negotiations with authorities of the Republic of Georgia regarding development of the telecommunication infrastructure after the civil war, Tiblis

- Negotiations with PTT authorities and service partners in CIS and far east countries

- Negotiations with Satellite System Operators like Intelsat, Eutelsat, SES, New Skies and with Satellite Manufacturer’s like Lockheed – Martin, OHB etc.