Peter Ditz

Home / Key Personnel / Peter Ditz

Senior Expert Outdoor Planning Mobile Systems and TETRA

Peter Ditz has undergone intensive training courses in different fields of communications with Deutsche Bundespost (later DT AG).

Starting 1991 Mr. Ditz has been assigned to work as planner planning and implementation of different mobile systems:

- C-Net (proprietary Siemens)

- Trunked radio (CHEKKER)

- City Ruf (Paging systems)

- D1-GSM (2G)

- D1-UMTS (3G)

- D1-LTE (4G)

Based on his experience Mr. Ditz became one of three country-wide responsible administrators of the planning tool PegaPlan. I.e., he has worked out the planning handbook for the tool and has supported in leading position the development of a country-wide database. During his carrier with DT AG he has planned more than 1,000 base stations to consider all aspects from frequency planning to propagation and traffic considerations.

Since four years Mr. Ditz is working as Senior Radio Planner for the new TETRA network of ARAMCO in Eastern Region and Shaybah. This included base stations of so called Mega Projects and pipelines. Further Mr. Ditz has been responsible RF planner for the re-homing of base stations from other projects.

Mr. Ditz is a very experienced radio planner and familiar with all types of technologies and specifications from base stations to antenna systems.